Monday, April 28, 2008


OK,I've been tagged, so...
A-Attached or Single?- Attached
B-Best Friend?- D.J.
C-Cake or Pie?- Not huge cake/pie eater-- but it would be death-by-chocolate cake or chocolate-bottom-pecan pie.
D-Day of Choice?-Friday afternoon until Sunday night
E-Essential Item?- cell phone
F- Favorite color? blue
G-Gummy Bears or Worms?- Worms
H-Hometown?- Conifer, Colorado
I-Favorite Indulgence?- fresh baked muffins or bread
J-January or July? July- camping, hiking, etc...
K-Kids? Girl, boy, girl
L-Life isn't complete without? My family and kettle corn
M-Marriage Date?- August 20th
N-Number of brothers and sisters? 2 brothers
O-Oranges or Apples?- hmm...both. I love 'em
P-Phobia and Fears? losing my husband or kids
Q-Quote?- "Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am asking that we look a little deeper for good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment virtue and effort." By Gordon B. Hinckley Also I like "Where there is love, there are great miracles." By Willa Cather.
R-Reason to smile?- My body may not be perfect but I can walk and run and I even did a really hard pose in yoga today!!
S-Season of choice?- SPRING, to see all of the great flowers/plants emerge after a long Winter and FALL, for the cooler weather and turning leaves.
T-Tag four people?- Jen Freeman, Jackie, Lindsay and Summer?
U-Unknown fact about me?- I am a closet cowgirl. I love a good rodeo and there's nothing sexier to me than a man who knows how to ride a horse well (Talkin' about you, DJ!)
V-Vegetable?- artichokes
W-Worst habit?- can't watch a movie without cruching on kettle corn-- sorry, DJ!
Y-Your favorite food?- Sushi, Rumbi brown rice bowls, homemade burgers.
Z-Zodiac Sign?- LEO


J.J. said...

Deb- that was so fun to read. I do remember one time doing Yoga with you and you were awsome, hey thanks for the tag, I'll have to do that one.

Jackie said...

Fun Deb...thanks for the tag.
I haven't had two seconds to blog me Deb.. j/k.
Just have a lot going on around here.
You guys up for dinner again? This time you guys can buy since we bought last time....only fair right? ;)