We had a fun and busy Summer, but I have to say that I am happy to see Autumn approaching. Its my favorite time of year!! First, we'll catch you up on some of our Summer activities...
I (Deb) got to go back to my old stompin' grounds in Colorado for a week and visit people and places that I love!
This is the church that my family helped to build. Since then, our tiny branch has become 2 wards and there is a whole wing added to the building. I have such great memories of the great people we knew here and the times we spent with them!
This is a picture of the house I lived in until I was 17 years old. Whoever bought it must have repainted it. It looked so different. They remodeled it, too. (I peeked in all of the windows and sliding doors! Nobody was home.)
This was my Elementary school, which has also been remodeled. Holy Cow, people, slow down on the remodeling. Nothing looks the same.
I attended my High School reunion and got to see so many old friends. It was so fun and a little sobering to realize how old we all are!
we watched the fireworks explode over the Great Salt Lake, but before the fireworks, we danced around with our friends to a jammin' band!
IDAHO TRIP: Redfish Lake and Sun Valley

We rented a cabin on Redfish Lake for 4 days. D.J. got hurt at the end of our first day there and spent the next 3 days in & out of the hospital in Sun Valley. As for the rest of us...
We had so much fun swimming, paddling and relaxing on the lake. It is a gorgeous place!
After 4 days at Redfish, we joined D.J. in Sun Valley. When he got hurt his law firm was cool enough to put him up in a sweet room at the Sun Valley Lodge. We reaped the benefits of his injury: nice pools, Playstation in each room, 3 flat screen TVs, etc... Thanks Uncle Stoel (that's what we say each time Stoel Rives foots the bill!)

It was fun to have Dad back with us!! We love Sun Valley, it is a favorite place to go each Summer.
It was fun to have Dad back with us!! We love Sun Valley, it is a favorite place to go each Summer.
We'll stop here and post the rest of the Summer soon!